Education Resources for Sukhavati Guests

We are so excited to have you at or coming to Sukhavati.

Below is a range of resources to help you understand more about everything at Sukhavati so that your stay can be as enjoyable and effective as it can possibly be. So many of the questions you might have will be answered in the videos and resource articles so please enjoy as many as you can before arriving. Once you’re here you can then simply focus on complete relaxation, pampering and indulgence.

To your best health. The Sukhavati Team

Sukhavati’s Unique Benefits, Background & How it all Works

Introduction & Overview
Meet Doctor Komang
What is Ayurveda & Panchakarma

The Sukhavati Programs

Ghee & The Unique Benefits of the Sukhavati Detox

Cleansing Day Guidelines

Castor Oil Cleanse & Detox
Beautiful Bastis Enemas

Important Considerations

The Ayurvedic Morning Routine
The Importance of Light Diet
The Importance of Rest
If you have any further questions prior to your arrival, please don’t hesitate to contact Sri at reception –